Programming Logic and Design
7. Determine modulo division given the dividend and divisor as inputs without using modulo (%) operation
1. Determine the computed Power given Base and Ex (exponent) as user input without using Multiplication. You may use successive Addition.
1. Ask a user for 20 numbers, must store in an array. Determine the largest and smallest number.
3. Ask the user for the value of N and output the nth term of the fibonacci series
5. Ask for a range of number (lower limit and upper limit), and output all Prime numbers from the input range.
2. Determine the factorial of an input number without using multiplication. Use successive addition
3. Ask the user for 10 numbers, then reverse the order of the number in the array.
8. Ask for a number (5 digit) and output the reverse order of the number. ex. 23765 === > 56732
3. Output or Prints the following pattern. Ask the user for the value of Seed ( number of rows). You can print in the next line by printing '\n' or putting the '\n' inside the double quotes. You may also print a special variable endl.
4. Ask the user for 10 numbers and output the number in ascending and descending order.