Programming Logic and Design


Assignment 1

4. Determine if the input number is Prime and Composite.

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Assignment 1

6. Determine the product of two input numbers without using multiplication

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Assignment 1

2. Ask for the Base and Exponent and output the computed power

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Assignment 1

7. Determine modulo division given the dividend and divisor as inputs without using modulo (%) operation

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Activity 2

1. Determine the computed Power given Base and Ex (exponent) as user input without using Multiplication. You may use successive Addition.

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Assignment 3

1. Ask a user for 20 numbers, must store in an array. Determine the largest and smallest number.

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Assignment 1

1. Determine and output the factorial of an input number.

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Assignment 1

3. Ask the user for the value of N and output the nth term of the fibonacci series

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Assignment 1

5. Ask for a range of number (lower limit and upper limit), and output all Prime numbers from the input range.

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Activity 2

2. Determine the factorial of an input number without using multiplication. Use successive addition

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Assignment 3

2. Ask a user for 20 numbers, must store in an array. Determine the mean.

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Assignment 3

3. Ask the user for 10 numbers, then reverse the order of the number in the array.

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Assignment 1

8. Ask for a number (5 digit) and output the reverse order of the number. ex. 23765 === > 56732

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Activity 2

3. Output or Prints the following pattern. Ask the user for the value of Seed ( number of rows). You can print in the next line by printing '\n' or putting the '\n' inside the double quotes. You may also print a special variable endl.

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Assignment 3

4. Ask the user for 10 numbers and output the number in ascending and descending order.

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Final Exam

Student Records

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