Applied Data Science

DS100-1 / CBMES

Machine Problem 2

Something about data visualization using matplotlib.

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Machine Problem 4

Create a simple Python program for linear regression using randomly generated data sets, which is scattered around a line with a slope of 2 and intercept of -2. Present the regression model coefficient and intercept, coefficient of determination (R2), and root mean squared error (RMSE).

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Machine Problem 1-1

Make a simple calculator using Python about temperature conversion.

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Machine Problem 3

Complete the missing lines in the given code to be able run it without any errors.

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Machine Problem 1-2

Create a Python program that displays the Fibonacci sequence up to 20 values. The program should contain loop and def functions.

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Machine Problem 1-3

Create a Python program for displaying the square of numbers from 0 - 30.

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Examination 2

Insert your corresponding code in the space provided.

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